PX Officer Bio
Col Henry Coram– PX Officer
“ I'm a graduate of the University of Houston with a major in International Business and Resources. I was commissioned as a Regular Army 2 Lt. in '69. In June of that year, I was assigned to the 1st Armored Division at Ft. Hood, Tex. In February '71, I was sent to the MACV School at Ft. Bragg, N.C. prior to being sent to V.N. as an adviser.
Upon my return in April '72, I left the Service and began life in the private sector. I began as a manufacturing production supervisor and gravitated into production and inventory control and master scheduling for the next 38 years in industries including integrated circuit fabrication, heart pacemaker production, aircraft thermocouple assembly, and finally down hole oil field test tools and subsea blow out preventers.
In 2005 as I approached retirement, Nancy and I took many weekend trips to various places in Texas. On one of those trips I visited the HLS Museum . It reminded me of my military service and I have always been interested in anything WWII, but in particular aviation and when we made the decision to retire in Burnet in 2010, in September, I attended a squadron meeting and made a mistake. I hung around after the meeting and Tom Gordy shoved a broom in my hand and told me to, "Make myself useful". I told him I wasn't a member and his response was, "So, join".
It's a fun group to be around and the mission of the CAF is an important one. When Ezy had to resign as the PX Officer in 2012 , Vernon asked me to take on that position and I violated the military's "Golden Rule", NEVER, EVER, volunteer. And the rest, as they say, is history. It also, validates the ole saying, "No good deed goes unpunished".”